Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tinkerbell Hilton from the clinker: documenting my time in jail with Paris


In the criminal justice system, all defendants are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury, unless you’re Paris Hilton. These are her stories. I guess I should write a caption that reads “Paw & Order", but I'm shivering right now. I don't have a faux mink like that bitch BitBit Spears. I'm Haaaaard!

If you don't know by now, I'm Tinkerbell Hilton. I'm a huge trendsetter, super cute and popular. I live large and in charge. I have a social lite who carries me around named Paris, or Valtrexx, as her doctor always says. She's my bitch. That's right! I said it...Paris is my bitch.

Just to warn you: my almost Machiavellian schemes have worked before, and they'll work again! I've had Paris go down on all fours, had her pop out a bunch of porns. I got skills. Now, I ate her judgment that said she was not supposed to drive for 90 days. Woof! Bet she didn't see that coming.

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